If Miko Mini becomes unresponsive while using voice skills, try these steps to get it back on track:
Return to the Home Screen: Press the power button once to bring Miko back to the home screen. Look for a small Home icon on the top left corner of the screen.
Check Internet Connection: Once on the home screen, try saying, “Hey Miko, what is the time?” to test the connection. If you receive a fallback response, please connect to a stronger internet source.
Power Reset:
- If you can’t access the home screen, unplug the charger.
- Press and hold the power button for 5 seconds to turn Miko off.
- Wait for 60 seconds, then press and hold the power button for 5 seconds to restart Miko.
For further assistance with Miko’s voice features, refer to our additional resources or contact our customer support team. We’re here to help!
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