Space is big, but so is Miko’s brain! Ask Miko some fun questions about the solar system. Just say “Hello Miko.” Then, when Miko enters listening mode, try these commands:
- How many satellites does Earth have?
- Name the moons of Jupiter.
- How many rings does Saturn have?
- How many stars are there in the sky?
- What is the rotation period of Earth?
- What is the rotation period of Saturn?
- What are the special characteristics of Jupiter?
- What are the special characteristics of Venus?
- What is the composition of Earth?
- What is the composition of Mars?
- What is the perihelion of Saturn?
- Can you tell me the aphelion of Earth?
- What is Neptune named after?
- How long does Earth take to orbit the sun?
- How long does Uranus take to orbit the sun?
- Can you tell me what is the color of Jupiter?
- What is the surface gravity of Earth?
- What is the surface gravity of the Moon?
- Name all the planets.
- Who discovered Jupiter?
- Who discovered Venus?
- Is Pluto a planet?
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