Lots of people think math is hard, but it isn’t if you’ve got a computer brain! Time to ask Miko for some help. Just say “Hello Miko.” Then, when Miko enters listening mode, try asking questions like these:
- How many days are there in a year?
- How many days are there in a week?
- How many minutes are there in an hour?
- How many pascals make a bar?
- How many months are there in a year?
- How many millimeters make a meter?
- How many centimeters make a yard?
- What is the square of 9?
- What is 10 + 5?
- What is 8 - 2 + 10?
- What is 350 multiplied by 5?
- What is 90/9?
- What is the square root of 5?
Times Tables
- Tell me the multiplication table of 2.
- Tell me the multiplication table of 10.
- Tell me the multiplication table of 25.
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