If you're experiencing any issues with Mini's speaker, don't worry! We have some simple steps that can help you resolve them.
- First, let's check if Miko is connected to the internet.
- Next, let's make sure Miko's volume level is set correctly. Say "Hey Miko," and "Increase the volume." You can also manually adjust the volume using the volume button at the top of your robot. Just make sure the volume bar on the screen shows maximum volume.
- Now, let's test Miko's sound by asking it to open applications like Akinator or Riddles or even commanding it to say nursery rhymes. You should be able to hear Miko loud and clear!
- Don't forget to check if your microphone is turned on.
- If you still do not hear any audio, restart Miko and try it again.
If you need further assistance, feel free to contact our customer support team. We're here to help you find a solution and ensure you have the best experience with Miko!
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